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Most brain structures are involved in language in some way, meaning this function is not limited to one place in the brain. It appears that most patients with this type of disorder have had a stroke or obstruction in the middle cerebral artery that irrigates several areas of molnunat pills, such as basal ganglia, which can also affect language. Aphasia Wernicke,appears to cause a number of different symptoms, each likely having a different neurological basis.
In addition, there are researchers who have confirmed that lesions in this area are not directly related to running aphasia, but seem to affect the storage of sentences in memory from the moment they are heard until they are repeated, which also affects word rhyme (memory for the affected sounds). ). Then it was suggested that the main difficulties of Molnupiravir disorder are associated with damage to the medial temporal lobe and the underlying white matter. This area is adjacent to the auditory cortex. Its appearance has also been seen by changes in a certain part of the upper temporal lobe convolution, affecting connections with other nuclei responsible for language, located in the occipital, temporal and parietal regions (Timothy, 2003).

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According to Rabadan Pardo, Sanchez Lopez and Roman Lapuente (2012), these types depend on the expansion of the lesion in the brain.
Pure Deafness to Words: There is only damage in the Wernicke area. Many authors believe that this is not a type of aphasia because it only affects the perception of spoken language and classify it as a type of agnosia. These patients usually understand written language better than spoken language. Aphasia Wernicke: injuries in the Wernicke area and other surrounding areas. There are not only difficulties in recognizing sounds, but also shortcomings in oral, written and written expression and understanding.
There are patients with minor lesions in the superior gyrus of the temporal lobe, etc.; however, they also have lesions in nearby structures such as the subcortical white matter and the angular and supramarginal gyri. The molnunat pills will be very harmful to the language.
Molnupiravir: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects
The disease usually appears suddenly, and the symptoms appear gradually. The main characteristics of a person with Wernicke's aphasia are: Inability to understand spoken and written language: Problems understanding language, even if they are single words or simple phrases. They may not even understand the sentences they are saying. However, comprehension may be impaired to very different degrees, and the patient will have to use extralinguistic keys (tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures...) to try to understand the other.
Fatigue effect: the victim may understand a few words or what is said about the topic, but only for a very short period of time. If you talk to him more about the bill, the patient will not be able to understand him; increasing the problem when there are other distractions such as noise or other conversations. Surprisingly noticeable contrast between the mobile discourse and the lack of meaning of the message.
Speech pressure or verbiage: excessive growth of spontaneous language, that is, the person does not realize that he is talking too much. Jergafasia: an incomprehensible verbal expression, due to the large number of paraphasias presented.